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When discussing theatrics and dramatics, though, one has to look at the lead guitarist, Kevin Herrera. The long lost lovechild of Chris Cornell and Jimi Hendrix consistently had the most intense guitar solos that you could see were felt through his whole body. With his head thrown back and fingers twitching along the electric guitar’s strings, there was something almost mystical about what he could do within songs already notable, rocking, and classic. Journey’s own virtuoso, Neal Schon, should be proud.

                                                                                                                                                                                   Debra Kate Shafrer – The Aquarian

UPDATED: November 9, 2023

Kevin Alexander Herrera  - Local and Beyond

REMEMBER: The the POSTERS are IN and they look GREAT!


Kevin's first official poster is here and

will be available for sale at his upcoming

gigs for $10 each, or can be ordered

through this site through PayPal for

$13 (includes S&H). The poster image

was taken by incredibly talented

photographer, Christine Paige, a local

New Englander with a great eye

and a great love for music. She managed

to capture a perfect moment while

Kevin was "in the zone" onstage with

Foreigner's Journey. Of course, Kevin will sign each poster with a special personalized note. 

In between Kevin's onstage performances, he still finds time to write, compose and perform awesome original music and has ramped up his promotional efforts with Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and more. His home studio is up and running and he's ready to work with other musicians laying down tracks and finding that perfect sound.


Kevin is thrilled to be getting back on stage at local venues as they gear up for the new season and a hopeful 2024. Nearly every night of the week, there's somewhere to cut loose whether mastering his 12-string acoustic or tearing it up with his favorite Les Paul reissue '59 Gibson. We're keeping a good thought for the future, so let's join together for a better tomorrow. 

Check back soon for details about some exciting new venues being added to his calendar. 

Poster pic.jpg
West Coast/East Coast - more to come... 
More about Kevin Alexander Herrera
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